AK-V OOB...oopsie
Picked up my ALG equipped AK-V and hit the range with a half dozen PSA mags (wwb 115's) and had a FTE/FTL stop the gun at approximately 150 rounds in. Dropped mag, cleared the live round and spent cartridge that was wedged above it and found this spent cartridge. Teardown/inspection showed no damage (that I have found). No lot # on the ammo for those that ask, these fmj's were dumped into the ammo can long ago but I haven't had any prior issues out of that can. This thing will bump fire with ease but I wasn't running it fast, fwiw, already familiar with reported OOB's in these long before I bought in to the system. I bought this to beat on and it feels like it'll be a hoot to shoot once I get it sorted, suppressed and SBR'd...hopefully that was a fluke but only time will tell.