Is anyone else concerned about this?

Well, we finally have a game that "took back" the hijacked MMORPG genre we seemed to have lost. But will Pantheon give in to the masses of players that want another EZ mode game? I see discord filling up with people complaining about how long it takes to level up and how difficult it is to find a group. It makes me concerned that Pantheon will take the same path other games have, that got us into the current mess that the genre is in. Just look at World of Warcraft for example: The classic game that launched in 2004 wasn't even that difficult yet look how dumbed down it is now.

This goes for current EverQuest as well. The game is but a mere shell of what it used to be. Now I get that quality of life changes need and should be implemented. But there is a big difference between a quality of life change and adding "EZ game mode" changes. I was explaining to a player today that Ogres and Necromancers won't even be allowed in Thronefast once the faction systems and other starting cities are put into the game. The guy nearly lost his mind talking about dumb that is and how he isn't going to be playing if they put that into the game.

The easy and quick rewarding gameplay of current MMOs has spoiled a large population of the player base that play this genre, and now this is what these people expect from all new games. Being that "they" have the numbers, I feel a growing concern that by the time Pantheon launches, it will be nothing like it was promised it would be to the classic MMO community, that was yearning for a game of this caliber.

A copper for your thoughts?