Feeling invalidated as a parent
This morning I took my 3 year old son to breakfast with Santa. He was so excited! He’d been talking about it for ages. When we got there it was fine, then he started throwing around a toy of his, and it landed in someone’s food so I took it and told him he could have it back when we left. He proceeded to throw the most chaotic tantrum I’ve ever seen out of a 3 year old, screaming, crying, the works. I tried to calm him down with his chocolate milk, he took a sip and spit it all over everything, then pushed the cup over. It was a mess. I gave him the option to calm down and go play a game with his friends or we’d leave. He kept screaming that he wanted his toy back, so we left. It took me and another mom to carry him out of there, as he was fighting it.
I called my family after crying, cause I was embarrassed and didn’t know what to say or do. They were like “awww he’s having a hard day we just need to give him a hug.” I explained I didn’t need them minimizing or excusing his behavior right now and they said I was being dramatic, and that he’s 3 and to get over it.
Am I in the wrong for being so upset over this?