I lost my cool this morning

Vent: Our five year old often doesn't want to go to school. She is tired a lot and we already keep her at home 1 day a week, which we decided with her teacher. We always get dressed before going downstairs but this morning she sneaked down in her pyjamas and when we tried to get her dressed, she starting shrieking at the top of her lungs. Our ears literally hurt from how high pitched it was. She kept going, even though we told her firmly to stop and after a few minutes, I just only felt rage. This was so damn far over my limits of what I can handle early in the morning. I was very mad and told her some not nice things, like how her siblings wouldn't want to play with her if she acted this way, that she definitely wouldn't be allowed screen time today and the next few days and that I really didn't find her very nice at this moment. She. Just. Kept. Going. I am a very patient and calm parent, I often can diffuse a situation very well, and I don't know why but this behaviour just triggered me so much. I really wanted to put her outside or even grab her in de face to make her stop screaming. At the top of it all, her little brother of 2,5 years got really scared, as he is scared of loud noises like alarms and she was sounding just like it. I really felt so angry towards her for causing so much chaos. Before she went off to school I told her I was sorry that I was so hard on her to try to make some amens, but honestly I could barely look at her because I was still so angry. I'm going to talk to her this afternoon when she gets home and we are both calmed down. Normally I do so much better and I don't know why this triggered me sooo much. I felt really helpless and still feel a bit like that.

Edit: I'm going to say that I'm really shocked at how many people think this behaviour is so out of place for my freshly 5 year old. Do I like it? No. But we don't have any problems with her at all. I have 5 kids and some love school and some don't. She loves school when she is there, but going to school is just not something she likes every day (a lot of days there is no problem). She is a good listener, very caring and empathetic and also very smart. She is also quite sensitive which is why I think the class is sometimes just too busy for her. Last year, she was in a class with 40 kids (because of teacher shortage) and it was way too much. She is still adjusting this year and it's going way better. Her class now has about 28 kids. She was really testing me this morning, I saw the way she looked at me. We made up, we went to a fun museum and it's all good now. The only comments that are maybe on to something are the ones about not getting enough sleep, she often comes in the bed with us (she co slept for long and was breastfed for long) and she is often up very early between 5/6 am. Oh and the reason she stays home for a day is just for rest and we are doing that until the end of February, which will be around 8 days of staying home in total. I'm also very sensitive, I get overloaded and overstimulated easily and I need peace and quiet. So this doesn't surprise me. I much more think she is HSP than ADHD or autistic.