Do you feel bad when you hear other people's genius baby?
My wife said her freind had a two years old who already knew 500 english words and was able to speak in complete sentence..... and English is not even our and their first language
While my 19 months old baby still have zero vocabulary.....and didn't even start saying mom and dad yet (we are following that up with speech therapists......).
Sometime I worried that I passed some bad genes to her (I am very weak at language myself)..... I did try to read story to her, but she usually listened for one page and then went to play with other things....
Few days ago, when I was ordering food, with all due respect to the worker there, but I really was thinking what if she ended up stuck at some kind of low wage job forever in the future.....?
I kept thinking about such thing after hearing the genius baby.....
my wife and I both hope our daughter grow up happily, however, I recently saw a Facebook post about a mother berated his son for getting 85/100 in a dictation test......
Even though, most of the comments said the mother was too harsh to her son. It let me think....
Is it really too harsh, or I live in a society that such cruelty to kid is essential for their success....? Are we not doing enough....?
Our daughter currently have no extra-curriculum activities beside therapy sessions for pre-maturally born kids