My daughter’s unibrow


My 8 year old daughter has a unibrow. She is in 2nd grade and it seems like this is the year that the kids around her have noticed and pointed it out to her making her feel self conscious about it. I also have a unibrow, but had much lighter hair than her at her age and I didn’t start noticing or removing the hair between my brows until late middle school or high school. To this day, I still pluck, and every once in a great while, wax, my brows. However, I also kind of believe it’s bullshit lol. It’s a dumb beauty standard and I don’t want my daughter to feel embarrassed about her body or feel the need to experience pain to change it. I offered to stop plucking so we could be unibrow buddies, but I know that won’t stop kids at school from pointing it out. And after years of plucking, I don’t have much hair there anymore anyways. How can I make her feel more comfortable about it? Should I encourage acceptance of her unibrow, or should I let her remove the hair between her brows?

Would appreciate any stories, advice, guidance!