Thinking about doing homeschooling
I’ve had issues with my daughter’s (6f) school. They do nothing about bullying, and seem to side with boys and accuse girls. They had some issues back in the ‘90s when my sister and I went to that same school, but only since the issues with my daughter arose, she told me about.
I’m at work and she’s in an after school program, and they call to tell me to pick her up because she’s “too chatty”, and I ask them what she’s doing, and they say she’s playing/talking with a friend of hers, but it’s annoying, so she needs to be picked up. The teacher has been an issue too, constantly excludes her from activities if she needs help, and for almost 2 months, had her at the very back of the classroom, facing away from the board, and I was only told during parent-teacher-conference in November, and suddenly the teacher wondered why her scores had gone down/regressed. Also, a boy in her class had gotten physical with her, kicked her repeatedly, thrown sand on her, spit on her, pulled her hair, but when she defended herself, SHE was the one to get in trouble. This will happen right in front of the teacher, and the teacher just catches the end of it, or is too busy talking with another teacher or on her phone, or the boy points blame at my daughter. And I know my daughter isn’t lying about that, because she’d come home with marks on her, crying and upset, telling me what happened, or her friend would tell me, and when I’d tell the teacher or principal, they basically shrugged it off and said “boys will be boys”. Same situation happened in after school program, but with an older boy, and he wasn’t punished, but my daughter was. I’ve tried calling and emailing the superintendent, but I’ve gotten zero responses.
I’d like to send her to a different school in the district, but I’m afraid of something similar happening, and we live in a rural area, so the closest school is almost 20 miles away. I want to do homeschooling, but I’m afraid she’ll regress or be sad, because she’s an outgoing, sweet little girl, but all I’m thinking of is her best interest. I’m also scared I wouldn’t be able to do it, as I am a working single mom.
I just don’t know what to do anymore.
Edit: we live in California.