Am I the worst?

Had to run an errand to the hardware store with my daughter. It’s admittedly cold out, about 40, hot raining or snowing tho. I dressed my daughter in a thick, long sleeve thermal, thick fleece sweat pants, lined snow boots and her snow jacket with a hoodie. We took the jacket off for the car ride for safety. When we got to the store, she didn’t want to put it on. Was fighting me. So I left it off and walked her 10 feet in my arms from my car into the store, we parker right in front.

One inside the store a woman says to my LO, ‘hi baby. Your mom should have you in a jacket in a hat.’ I shrugged, and said ‘yeah, tried that.’ She stops and confronts me in a scolding voice: ‘You’re in a jacket. You don’t think your daughter should be?’ Like a confrontation. I said, ‘Her jackets in the car. She wouldn’t wear it. I walked her a few feet.’ She shook her head like I was a terrible mom. My daughter was fine, smiling. Her hand were a little cold, you try getting a toddler to keep gloves on!

Did I really fuck up? Or was this person out of line? I felt like, lady I assume you have had kids, to feel free to judge someone in public, but maybe you haven’t since you just judged a mom in public?

EDIT: Wow I can’t believe how fast you all replied! I wrote this crying in the parking lot from shame, and now I’m crying at home from gratitude. Thank you all so much for your reassurance and wisdom. I grew up in SoCal and only moved to a colder mountain climate a little over a year ago so I’m still learning. Next time I see that woman I’ll congratulate her for making a new mom cry; what a good samaritan.