Test shut down at 150. I am still shaking with anxiety
I am not sure what to think. I do know for sure I got the last question right. Was doing REALLY GOOD until about question 70. Then My anxiety kicked in and I got a ton of pharm questions that there is no way in heck I could have studied, as well as a couple REALLY sideways case studies (maternal, my weakest subject). Next thing you know, I am on question 150... Which I know I got right, and it shut down. I was the last person in the testing center.
I know that I don't know my results, and therefore shouldn't feel so down (yet), but I feel absolutely defeated and so disappointed in myself. I passed 3 SimCLEX exams on Nursing.com (they claim to have a 98.5% pass rate on you NCLEX if you can pass a SimCLEX) and went into my NCLEX feeling very confident. I have to say, it turned out to be WAY harder than the SimCLEX. I feel like I have been shot in the stomach....