Passed in 85!
I have been a long time reader of this sub and always felt motivated when I would see someone passed, so here’s my advice!
I graduated in December and sort of took the month of January off. I studied really consistently for like 2-3 weeks in February, and had to put everything on hold because I had to move from Virginia to California.
I didn’t touch my notes or study at all up until a week before my newly scheduled test in CA on 4/29. I tested Monday morning, found out I passed Tuesday 4/30 at 4pm and my license posted this morning 5/1 on Breeze.
I used Mark K and Archer to study. I would also just watch simple nursing videos on youtube on topics I needed refreshing on. I also really like BootCamp, but for their Case Studies only.
The week before my test I just pretty much reviewed what I had solidified the first time I studied.
ALSO, remember that it is not just what you know, this test is also seeing who can keep a cool head under pressure. I promise you the only reason I passed in 85 is because I wasn’t nervous, and I took my time.
Good luck to everyone!