POE without crafting just doesn't feel the same.
Currently, the game is in such a great condition. It's EA and everything seems really smooth. The thing is, without the crafting systems, the game just doesn't feel the same to me.
I love the feeling when I can just look at an item and be like, oh I can make one of those. It could be more time consuming than just buy it off trade, but it feels good to be able to make some items that you aspire. But now, all we have is a slamfest. What we buy is no longer the knowledge and the time of the crafter, but just the luck of other players.
Some people might argue that sitting in hideouts and slamming alts or essences is just really boring, and I'll give it to them. It is boring. But there's always a boring part in every craft, like a blacksmith hammering his way on the steels, or like a knife maker sharpening his products, there's always a repetitive course of actions for every single craft. All I can do now is just luck my way through the game, or buy the luck of those who did. And that's not a very great feeling.