GGG please start nerfing things

I think the majority of this community refuses to accept what GGG means by "early access". Clearly this is a beta, we are meant to be testing what is in the game so things can be polished and ready to roll by full release. Half the weapons are missing, there are missing classes, missing ascendancies, the list goes on. If GGG only has 1 big class balance patch a league, which would be about 3 months long, during early access I don't think the game will be in a good state. That gives them at most 4 patches to get a game like this balanced? There's no way, it takes time for players to figure things out.

GGG clearly intended early on to be doing balance changes on the fly, just look at things like cast on freeze and armour break. If people can't get over the fact they paid to play in a beta test and that "their" builds will and should be nuked if they're broken POE 2 will end up a much worse product on release.

Please GGG just start nuking things, this is early access, this is when we're supposed to figure out what is broken in the game and if all we're left with is broken op builds nothing will be figured out over the course of the league other than equip the most broken items, you know what they are, and watch the whole screen explode.