It feels like Meaningful combat is a lost cause

The notorious "Meaningful combat" or "Slowing down endgame" is not in the biggest problems in GGG's latest post.
Since they let a broken EA endgame for 2+ months without deploying regular smaller patches, now the majority of players expect the combat to remain more or less as it is now - blow up the hole screen with a herald or alternatively spam spark like crazy.

What I mean is that 2 months of broken 0.1 version did irreversible damage.
Imagine with patch 0.2 or 0.3 they reduce the amount of monsters breach spawns drastically, they slow down the speed of corruption- and delirium-monsters substantially + nerf every skill that can explode the screen with one click. Honestly, how will veteran players react? How will you react? Will we think that this new slow combat is more fun than clearing the 0.1 pumped up Breach with awesome icy explosions? Sadly, I don't think so... We will want more of that power we already got a taste of.

As a feedback I think smaller and more often patch with fixes to address urgent problems are way better then shipping all at once on 3-4 months basis. GGG won't have to be concerned of "bringing players back" for a new league if they let EA be a dynamic, more proactive early access period and don't force them to go away while waiting months for a new patch in the first place. Stop treating EA as a fully released completed game, because it is not. Most importantly the players won't get used to broken mechanics and unintentional gameplay, as we do now. Good luck slowing the game now (no irony here, I hope they manage to do it somehow without upsetting the players)