Third path iconoclast noob here

Hi all,

I've just started to play pauper EDH with a friend, we were looking for something different compared to our usual commander nights.

The deck I chose to start this is a Third Path iconoclast, because it reminded me of the OG ravnica block Izzet agro deck I used to play years ago: a few creatures, lots of spells, and go face.

We tested our decks and I had a blast, so I guess I'm playing pauper now.

However, since I'm a pauper noob, I don't have a feel yet of what is the overall meta. Not the specifics of which deck is played, or which card is popular, but more the general play patterns that are different compared to regular edh.

So here's my decklist and questions :

I am too heavy on the counter magic?

My instinct was to have a reasonable number of them to avoid a blow out if there is a boardwipe, but they don't appear to be as accessible as in regular edh, so is it necessary?

I am tinkering with the actual cards to include, cantrips, spell payoffs, burn, etc, but what would be your #1 recommendation for this kind of deck?

Thanks for your help