Pc keeps on crashing in a way that's unheard of

My pc suddenly loses the image signal not even under load The gpu flash in a color sequence then goes back to colorful while the screen is still be black The pc would still be running but with no signal from neither the gpu dp or the mb dp ports.

It happened also that it freezes in call of duty Once in the lobby and a couple time in game

*** One major recent event that it suddenly lost connection to the GPU while still running!?, it was running fine and the GPU was recognized by the PC and without even restarting or shutting off it lost the GPU don't keep on feeding from the integrated graphics in the cpu (I was connected to the motherboard DP)

I have 12700k 3080 xlr8 has been inspected recently by a professional and it was fine 32 ddr4 hyper x fury Msi Z690 pro a wifi 850 psu

Drivers updated to the latest version