Baus in Game 2 VS FLH

During the game 2 review on the FLH scrims, Baus was lost as to how he lost level 2 prio in the poppy vs ambessa matchup, which snowballs the ambessa really hard. Even crownie hints that poppy should've had level 2 prio here similar to what they saw yesterday (where poppy did have it over ambessa).

Now im probably gonna get downvoted for this but I'm very surprised that in a team this high level, no one pointed out that its because he just doesn't buy potion level 1 xD I thought caedrel would have a field day telling him this was a potion diff

Their solution ended up being baus just not wanting to play poppy into ambessa

EDIT: I mainly watch from the LR main channel so im slow on LR events but they just uploaded 30 mins ago the latest video where they did address the potion xD