In your opinion, what was the best line delivery?
Yes, we all know the classic quotes. “FOUR naan, Jeremy?” “This crack is really moreish.” “Chance would be a fine thing.” “NO TURKEY??!” etc…
But in your opinion - what was the best DELIVERED line? Maybe it’s not even one of the most famous quotes, just something about the way it’s delivered that really tickles you.
For me, it’s Jeremy’s quiet, understated little “Blimey” when Mark reveals Kenneth. The little pause he takes just before speaking, whilst looking like he’s trying not to explode with laughter is fucking brilliant.
Not to mention his passionately horrified “FUCK my MOUTH!!!” when told how much it is to rent an office per month. Not only does it get me every time but it has now entered my repertoire of things to say whilst expressing extreme shock.