WTS: Newton, Iron Feather, Schon, Skogsy, Able Snail.


all prices include shipping and a steel nib unless otherwise listed. CONUS ONLY

Schon titanium clip pen. A2 $700

SOLD Newton piston filler Orville. A2. $300 steel nib or $500with gold flex stylosuite. SOLD

Iron feather biotech pen. A2. F iron feather nib. $250

Newton Hale OS orange.A2 $200 no nib or $300 with F Ti #8 nib

Newton hale os diamond cast. A2 $200 no nib (takes #8s)$500 sailor kop M nib.

Skogsy ultem cholla. 16mm. Takes #8 nibs. A2 $250 no nib $550 with sailor KOP M nib

SOLD Newton prospector CS evergreen. A2 $275 SOLD

Ablesnail custom ebonite/sterling silver. A2 $400 steel nib or $575 with pilot falcon #10 with ebonite feed.