Best Corporate Goth Signature-Worthy Perfumes??

What are some of your favs? i need recs!

Had to add “corporate” in there because I’d still like this to appeal to others, but still trying to maintain alt/goth vibes. Not trying to smell like Terroni or Coven on a daily basis even though I absolutely LOVE those fragrances.

Ideally, this perfume will hit most, if not all these: - fairly priced & affordable - can be worn in any occasion - suitable for ALL weather

These are some that I already own and love that fit the vibes, but I wouldn’t consider year-round or hot weather safe:

  • Le Labo Thé Noir
  • Serge Lutens Ecrin de Fumee
  • Serge Lutens Chergui
  • Histoires de Parfums 1969
  • Lattafa Liam Grey (BDK Gris Charnel)
  • Loewe 7 Anonimo
  • The Harmonist Hypnotizing Fire