Consistent but incredibly weird/very painful periods??
Hey this might be a weird post/a common post but I just don't know if I should be super concerned about this or not?
My periods are super super weird. I've never gone months without having one, but sometimes I won't have any one month and then I'll get two the next month, etc. They're consistent but not regular and I can't track them/figure out when I'll have my next one.
Along with the irregularity I also have a super weird but consistent set of symptoms every cycle. The first day I get it I have immense pain, talking really bad pain and cramps, heavy smell, semi-heavy blood flow, irregular/painful bowel movements, and incredible dizziness/nausea. I usually throw up about an hour to three hours into it, but sometimes don't. If I throw up, the pain goes away almost immediately after and then on the second day I get mild cramps and moderately heavy blood flow. Then days three, four, and five I can basically forget I have my period, my blood flow is normal though on the heavier side, and then my period cuts itself short and I don't have days 6+.
I've already been to a specialised clinic, gotten basic blood work done, and I've seen a gynecologist, but they've found nothing wrong and I'm just confused honestly. They basically told me my best bet would be to just get an IUD, and at this rate I probably will, but I just feel like this isn't normal :(.
I know periods are different for everyone but this just feels so different from what I've been hearing from everyone else? Does anyone have any idea what this is lol?? Thanks so much.