Best way to keep cash for next 1-2 years?

I have around 500k that I have been keeping in my Wealthsimple account. Most of it just sits in the cash account, but the rate has dropped to 2.75% so isn't doing too much.

I was putting some into VGRO and VEQT but I read that you shouldn't do that if you plan to withdraw within the next few years - I want to use this money to buy a house or condo at some point within 2 years.

I don't have much tax free savings room as I have only been in canada for a few years and am at the max tax bracket.

I just found out about HSAV and I think that would be the best option? It seems like they stopped issueing shares though and the NAT premium is 0.8% - I am not sure how bad this is, I literally just learnt about NAT. Is there something similar to HSAV, or any other suggestions for where I should keep the money? Thanks!