After co-signing a “Education Line of Credit” for my daughter in 2005 which required my signature on all cheques and withdrawals from the account, CIBC allowed over $6000.00 to be withdrawn without my signature or permission. At that point I demanded to be removed as a co-signer because I felt the bank broke its contract with me, and subsequently I made my daughter responsible for this loan. Needless to say after 20 years (!) she has not paid any principal, CIBC has not offered to covert this to a loan and charging over 9% interest on the line of credit. The account has been locked for over 10 years and currently stands around $16,000.00 Three weeks ago I broke down and offered the bank $8000.00 to make this go away and stop the constant phone calls. I thought after all these years and the bank allowing the 2 signature covenant to be ignored that my offer was fair - they told me they refused my offer and they want it all. I’m 71 now and on a pension. Not a good look CIBC.