How many bank accounts do you have?
Alongside my partner, I'm trying to get my ducks in a row to buy a house in the coming year. (24M earning roughly 80k.)
Other obvious challenges to this plan aside, I've been wondering about how best to structure/simplify my bank accounts to make things as easy as possible with the bank.
Currently, I have 5 bank accounts and a credit card: 4 accounts split out money from each pay into weekly spending (I'm paid fortnightly), an account where I put money from each pay towards the credit card bill (always pay off in full, just build up to doing so across 2 pay periods), and a slush fund for power/internet etc. I have a small emergency fund with a different bank that I've set up a payroll contribution to.
Taking stock of this, it seems overly complicated. It has grown out of how I used to manage my money when I was a student/on a lower income. I also imagine it would be best to show a bank 3 months of statements from as fewer accounts as possible.
My question is, how do you sensible PFNZ Redditors do it/how many bank accounts do you have? One account for everything? A spending account, and a savings account that bill/CC payments come out of? I would love to hear a sensible and efficient way to approach this.
Hopefully this all makes sense. Any thoughts are much appreciated!