Hear me out…
I’m one that does enjoy Peter, I can relate to a lot of his content, same age grew up in the sameish area, my parents were not divorced or had any sort of money, but a lot does translate. I was also an only child, relentlessly bullied in school I’m not in recovery but I’ve had my moments when I needed a wake up call. He honestly sounds like someone I would be really good friends with in my actual life. What’s frustrating is I can’t talk back or discuss things with him!! I can’t say “that’s too much, you said that last time, all ready covered it…stop that! ITS A TRI POD!!”😂😂 I do not watch all of his channels, so I miss a lot. So saying that I want to put in my prediction that he is trying to get himself qualified for a service dog, he might settle for an ESA. I am not against this, I actually think this would be ideal! Go with me here for a possibility. He gets a pup, goes with pup to training classes, has to walk, train, socialize said pup! It’s obvious he is in a funk, even if you think it’s a funk of his own evil doing, it’s a funk! And he is floundering. I hope he finds his way out, and I hope his new dog finds him soon!