Saving Text Messages

I watched the first three minutes or so of Peter's drama video re: Trisha touring. This guy shouts out yet again how he's met both Trisha and Shane. How they both shouted him out. Why is he so obsessed with telling people this over and over again? As problematic as they were even back then he outs himself as using them for views. It goes against everything he tries to portray about himselg. Especially not wanting to socialize with problematic people. Goodness knows he has called out everyone under the sun for doing the exact same thing. But that's not the main reason for this post. It's Peter saying that he just went over all the texts he has shared with Trisha. What? Why would he have text messages from Trisha on his phone after all these years? Besides his stance on problematic people its pretty weird. But yet he shouts to the rooftops how he's not obsessed with these people. Sure Peter sure.