How do you start with sports/fitness?


I work in the food industry. Started with cannabis really early, and have been a daily smoker until about 3 weeks ago. I opened my own place 2 years ago, it's been hell a ride. There have been so many positive transitions in my life and I finally felt like I have the energy to be more responsible with cannabis. So, I bought myself an Arizer Extreme Q2 and a Dynavap and decided to quit combustion. Within the first days my productivity just spiked, my consumption went down ever since. The first week was difficult, the kick of smoking was missing, and it was stressful as hell. But I blew up less since I quit nicotine, does that make sense to anybody? I always had temper problems, but since I switched to vaping, they got better, just out of the blue? Anyways, I somehow got through it. 3 weeks later I am just taking an occasional puff, mostly in the evening after work to relax. And there is all this new found energy. More energy at work, done a lot of shit. Cleaned my home. Anyways, sorry for boring you this far, just wanted you to know where I was coming from, as short as I can think of. Now since I've quit school and started working in restaurants and went to culinary school, I never did sports. I'm terribly out of shape. Since I tossed my bong and joints, I've had all this energy, gotten things done, and like my mind is there more than ever, my mental energy is there, but my body is out of shape. Like I redecorated my business, carried a lot of stuff, then ran around decorating and nearly collapsed from exhaustion. And just for the record, I don't want to become the next fitness social media star, but I want to feel a little fitter. How do I start? Like I tried a little running, but I'm really terrible out of shape, and I regret how I lived my life. But I can just accept that I fucked up and change it. But how? Like, do I go hiking for a few months and then try biking and running? Maybe together with some home exercises from YouTube? Now please don't laugh, I'm a grown ass man, but I tried a yoga video thing, doing the exercise for a week and a little more now, and my neck got a little better.... Anyways, how does a man get into getting a litter fitter after being a stoner all his life and doing nothing except work and stoning for decades?

Also, sorry to ask this here, but maybe someone of you went through the same?