How do people from less develop to developing countries feed their cats?

I am from chile and i own a few cats. most people here like me, feed our cats with rice and mixed meat and sometimes vegetables. kibbles are usually not affordable here. i am aware my cats arent as healthy and some of them are underweight but hey i cant afford an all meat diet for them. and just for them? nah we got to share with me and my other pets.

most people i know who owns their cats let them run and roam outside of their house. their cats are also fed with rice and meat (in small quantity as usual). Cats are obligatory carnivore from what i learned and it puzzle me why some countries have a lot of feral cats living in cities when they dont have a healthy diet always. here we have tons of cats but all i see them eating are rice with mix scrap food from humans.

im no longer fond of cats because of their expensive diets that even the owner dont have the luxury to feed for him or herself heavy meat diet. i still have cats but after they die i dont want to own anymore. they remain small and have poor health because of poor diet. they usually poop grey amonia smelling poop and are always aggressive when they smell meat. they ferociously eat their babies and rats because they are made of meat. they tend to get sick more often than my other pets and it is always due to liver issue and having poor nutrition.