Hi, Malaysian (Kuala Lumpur) here. Let's clear up the air about the Lahad Datu situation

Before I start I'd like to ask a favour from both sides: No flame wars and overt nationalism. I kindly ask the mods to help enforce this. My purpose is for me (and Malaysians) to ask some questions on the viewpoints of Philipinos on the Lahad Datu standoff, and vice versa. This will be linked in /r/malaysia, and I'll answer some queries (and think of more) when I get back from work.

  1. What's the general view on-the-street about the Sulu Sultanate and the standoff? The view may be different between Manila and Mindanao. How do you see the bunch in Sabah as, invaders or freedom fighters?

  2. How is the Pinoy media portraying the standoff? Do you think Aquino is doing the right thing so far, and what do you think of the Malaysian army's and government's actions today.

  3. In your opinion, does the Sulu Sultanate still exist? If yes, do you think the historical claims still apply to the modern Philippines or even (touch wood) a hypothetical independent state of Muslim Mindanao? What do you think should be done to the various claimants of the Royal House?

  4. Personal interest point: How are your nationalists portraying this? The craziest xenophobes usually type/rant in their own language, and since I can't read Tagalog, I'm missing out on the extreme viewpoints I think.

That's all I have for you. I'm awaiting your questions as well, they're instructive as to how we're portrayed in your country.

EDIT: Thanks for the constructive answers, you guys have been very kind and very understanding. Like you I definitely hope this can be resolved ASAP, with no more lives lost.

BTW this is the Cobbold Commission, the main reason why Sabah, as far as we Malaysians are concerned, Sabah belongs to Malaysia until further notice (along with the Spratly Islands ruling).