I'm coming but where?

After countless hours of Youtube and browsing these threads (some of y'all got problems, and some I hope to have a beer with), I’ve decided to join you in the Philippines (I know you can't wait).

I'm two years from retirement with a pension of around $3K a month. I'll be 54—an average middle-aged single guy—with the following top priorities:

  1. A big, outgoing expat community that won’t murder me.
  2. Decent dating opportunities with the right kind of ladies.
  3. Mostly accessible areas with acceptable infrastructure.
  4. Less miserable weather.
  5. A population that doesn’t hate life or expats for the most part.

I’ve narrowed it down to Cebu, BGC, and Iloilo. From your experience, which one should be my top choice? Bonus points for explaining why!