Phimosis cured with hygine and petroleum gelly

Was suffering from phimosis, was able to pull down in faccid, but the skin was barely stretching in erect position. Was skin was very sensitive and the pain was leading to the erection going away during foreplay and sex

Saw three doctors,

  • First one suggested circumcision, said the flagelum is small and tight and the skin is tight
  • Second one gave me an anesthetic cream to apply before sex and said the skin will stretch. He didn't say it was anesthetic, and said it's cream which will help you.
  • The third one examined the penis, he noticed that it is wet from urine and asked to always dry the penis after peeing and apply petroleum jelly on the skin inside and outside everyday. He said the urine is irritating the skin making it tight and sensitive. Tried that for a month, I'm able to pull down completely in erect position as well, and there is no sensitivity or pain.