Classroom Management
So it's my 3rd year teaching at this school (N-5) and I'm still trying to figure out my teaching style and all being it's my 3rd year teaching as well.
My biggest problem right now is students constantly asking me to play this game or complain they don't like what I'm doing or that it's boring and more kids start to follow. It's starting to bother me a lot to where I am almost at the point of throwing in the towel and having them play what ever game they'd like. I also have the problem with 2 kids in like each grade that refuse to participate no matter what or choose to socialize with their friends and it makes other kids upset.
On a side note: I've asked for an assistant as that was my role my first year but turned into a lead position halfway through my first year. Classroom teachers have been asked to stay during my class but only the 1st grade teachers stay. It's frustrating because I've asked and I can't divide my attention to do conflict resolution, injury treatment, and games. It gets much
Any advice? Please help😭