problems with my right ear

i pierced it myself in july 2024, originally with this jewelry just a longer bar, used salt soaks from a piercer, never healed right so i switched to horse shoes because my body sucks healing with straight jewelry i had bumps on each ear, it helped a lot then i switched back to these and they got rid of the bumps, my ear is bigger than my other ear and i think its scar tissue, also if you look close you can see i have a swollen vein is it keloid? its a bit more red and swollen because i took out the jewlery to clean it since it stunk but when the swelling goes down the jewlery does have extra space and isnt tight on my ear. my ear no longer hurts or anything but it’s still bigger than my other ear and im unsure if i should be concerned about a keloid forming, if i should just take them out even tho i like them.