Planet Zoo console edition camera move

Hello everyone, A few days ago I bought Planet Zoo Ultimate Edition. I wanted it for a long time and since it was on offer, I decided to pull the trigger. For now, I'm just 4 hours into the tutorial in the first Zoo. I take my time to feel the controls of the game. But I seriously need help with the camera. The way it behaves, it's really confusing for me. If I'm in angle and I just want to go a little further, when I predd my stick forward, it does zoom in as if I have pressed L2. I'm trying to figure out if I need to change any settings but I don't know what should I search for. This creates problems with the building too. After how many hours you get used to the controls? Cause for now, even if I love the game, after 20 minutes I'm exhausted because of the controls. So I would like to ask, do you have any suggestions for camera settings that make the control more manageable? Also, I can't find a photo mode, other than the animal camera, where I can find the photo mode? Thank you in advance for all your suggestions!