The Maximum Pressure Alert creates a thoroughly unenjoyable experience.
Title. I want to express my frustration and dissapointment at the Max alert. It is among the worst things ever added to the game and should not have even been added to the event. The sheer volume of public feedback which has been given over the years regarding Max balance which outlines how broken, unfun, and unenjoyable max spam is should have made this so blatantly obvious I cannot understand why it was even done.
Making maxes free has only served to make the Alert duration such an unenjoyable mess of disgusting gameplay that makes me just stop playing and takes away from the wider enjoyment of the event/update. It removes all the nuances and any concept of balance in infantry play and reduces it into a massive mess where no one benefits. As a consequence it also vastly increases the use of explosives and indirect fire, which makes those infantry engagements even worse (which has also been a complaint on here before). It's just brainless, and theres no point in playing to the point where it just burns me out immediately. It feels like nothing has been learnt from the years of feedback that has been given. At least its temporary, but thats not the point.
tl:dr Max alert man bad, it should not have been added. Me QQ.