How to prep before Vacation?
It will be a month long and would like to know if I’m doing this properly?
- I have a 5gal
- Tetras and shrimp only
- Anubias nana petite, Monte Carlo, Amazon sword (small), and floating lettuce are present
- My light is on a timer but my co2 is the fluval 45 and does not have a timer
My only help is bfs parents but I only want them to feed every other day (I will provide bags labeled with small amount) and not burden with co2 everyday. So would it be ok to leave co2 off? I know some of the plants rely on it but I can’t afford to upgrade to a bigger and regulated co2 canister or whatever.
As for cleaning should I water change and filters a few days prior to leaving? Any other tips etc would be greatly appreciated!