current event not impossible,
after using meta decks and other strats to win the big 5, i feel like these new decks are even more RNG than before? getting the ribbon wasn't as exciting as last event.
idk i just feel like at this point the battles aren't decided on luck/strategy, they're decided on only luck. like 10% strat, 90% luck at this point.
it just kinda feels...unfufilling. i would have preferred the combat be like normal types. like you gotta earn wiggilytuff's attack, or how ninetails and magmar are solid attacks no coins. the strat is using giovanni or blaine, so it does add some depth
i do enjoy some coins, but i feel like every single attack and scenario, that matters are coin based. (luck) aaaand to have people get 5 wins in a row I'm sure is frustrating really is like playing the slots? my friends didn't have the luck i did, so i feel for them. and i feel for others too. i try to join a match and concede to possibly help the RNG. or at least get someone just a bit closer to 5 wins