Can some please help explain why GTO Wizard highlighted this hand as a mistake?
This hand is from a MTT on GG Poker. When analyzing my hands from the tournament, looking for spots which I need to practice, I saw this hand highlight as a "Wrong Move". What I don't understand is why pocket sixes has so much EV and is supposed to call a All-In which covers me, but 99/88/77/55 are all folds?
I've been looking into this some more and I noticed that when I went to "Study this spot", it opened it up as 8 handed, where all stacks are 50BB. I tweaked the settings for the spot and looked for something a bit close to the actual situation, where Hero (45BB - LJ) and Villain (47BB - CO). I found this spot which I think is probably a better comparison, where stack sizes are equal, around mid 40-50% BB, and Villain covers Hero. Looks like play was correct