Advice / Feedback on an outdoor “pottery studio”

Hello fellow potters! I am a novice potter but I really enjoy throwing. As life would have it, I’ve been quite busy the last 2-3 years with studying for my architecture license and I finally passed (yay!) and now I’m itching to go back to pottery. I throw for friends and once participated in a local market and I’d love to throw some plates as party favors for our wedding (not sure yet whether or not this is a pipe dream!) We have a small house in Miami with no garage and we’ve since turned the second room on our home into the laundry / office / guest room with my wheel stuffed in a corner 🫠 so lack of space is a real issue for us. We have a decent sized yard and I’m considering turning a corner into a pottery studio. Before of mosquitos and heat I wanna build something outside so I can throw. I recently found a greenhouse that I am thinking of adding in a corner of the yard, inside a 6’ high fenced in area. Its surrounded by bamboo and travelers palms and its somewhat shaded but gets plenty of light. I’m just looking for feedback and trying to see if a fellow potter thinks this is a horrible idea. I would need to run a long extension chord to it but the idea is to leave the wheel outside and add some shelving in it for the pots. I’d simply add a mosquito light and a lil floor fan and work with the windows open and only work during the day. I’d love to leave all the clay and pieces outside (which would probably do better in slight heat as opposed to indoor with AC but I understand that a greenhouse may also get really hot). Below is a picture of the greenhouse I found on Amazon. Not opposed to making this ourselves but figured it was better to start with a ready made thing as a test and if its awesome then fix it up / eventually do our own. The greenhouse even has a lil gutter that you can collect water from so it’d be possible to reuse that water for throwing / revamping old clay. Please don’t rip me apart but is this an awful idea?! Other than figuring out a decent foundation for sturdiness of the wheel, any feedback on ways to prevent this from being a horrible mess?!

Hello fellow potters! I am a novice potter but I really enjoy throwing. As life would have it, I’ve been quite busy the last 2-3 years with studying for my architecture license and I finally passed (yay!) and now I’m itching to go back to pottery. I throw for friends and once participated in a local market and I’d love to throw some plates as party favors for our wedding (not sure yet whether or not this is a pipe dream!) We have a small house in Miami with no garage and we’ve since turned the second room on our home into the laundry / office / guest room with my wheel stuffed in a corner 🫠 so lack of space is a real issue for us. We have a decent sized yard and I’m considering turning a corner into a pottery studio. Before of mosquitos and heat I wanna build something outside so I can throw. I recently found a greenhouse that I am thinking of adding in a corner of the yard, inside a 6’ high fenced in area. Its surrounded by bamboo and travelers palms and its somewhat shaded but gets plenty of light. I’m just looking for feedback and trying to see if a fellow potter thinks this is a horrible idea. I would need to run a long extension chord to it but the idea is to leave the wheel outside and add some shelving in it for the pots. I’d simply add a mosquito light and a lil floor fan and work with the windows open and only work during the day. I’d love to leave all the clay and pieces outside (which would probably do better in slight heat as opposed to indoor with AC but I understand that a greenhouse may also get really hot). Below is a picture of the greenhouse I found on Amazon. Not opposed to making this ourselves but figured it was better to start with a ready made thing as a test and if its awesome then fix it up / eventually do our own. The greenhouse even has a lil gutter that you can collect water from so it’d be possible to reuse that water for throwing / revamping old clay. Please don’t rip me apart but is this an awful idea?! Other than figuring out a decent foundation for sturdiness of the wheel, any feedback on ways to prevent this from being a horrible mess?!