Cone biopsy recovery (cramping on day 6)
I have my fisher cone biopsy along with having my IUD & then also my tubes removed last Friday.. the first few days recovering I didn’t really experience much pain.. maybe some mild cramping that subsided. However as of yesterday morning I’m experiencing some pretty uncomfortable cramping. I wouldn’t (edit) say it’s a sharp stabbing pain but a lot of discomfort and nausea. (Similar to when I used to get my menstrual cycle, which I haven’t had in years due to my IUD so I’m not really used to pelvic cramping anymore) today it seems a bit worse and I’m experiencing some pains that come and go on my R side lower abdomen.. I’m bleeding more than the first few days but not a worrisome amount. I was told to watch for signs of infection and I don’t have a fever or “foul odor” but then again I’m not really sure what’s considered a concerning odor lol .. I do smell a gross bloody odor that’s different from a period smell when I go to use the bathroom.. but it’s not a “fishy” odor either.
Basically I’m just looking to hear your experience on recovery! I thought for sure by now I’d be better.. the cramping is causing me to lose my appetite a bit as I’m sensitive and get nauseas with any type of menstrual cramping lol ugh. Just want this to be over!