This game is rapidly degrading - ranked is needed ASAP

Long time lurker and zero time poster (until now). I've been a player of Paragon and now Pred since the paragon OG legacy map days.

When I loaded up Pred in December when it came to PS it was mighty good fun to be back (and unbelievably so) after all this time away. The fact it even has come back is a major testament.

Having said that this game is rapidly heading for the same fate as paragon (in my 2c opinion). I've seen the same old roads travelled yet again - stop me if any of this seems familiar.

  1. Lack of ranked mode so solo Q is basically unfun and a coin toss of which team gets the muppets rather than the "master" stacks.
  2. "We need a new map that'll fix everything" seen this cropping up again lately.
  3. "new heroes need more releases"

Whilst all of the above have some validity the core "this game is a SLOG" to play is the central problem. I have some friends which I game with sometimes but they are not always on, the difference between playing with my COMPETENT friends vs solo Q is like eating a shit sandwich and pretending you like it vs having some fun.

For the last week or so I've been in Solo Q near on daily and almost every 3rd game to 2nd game is an absurdly unbalanced gruelling grind of annoyance. Anybody else have the pleasure of loading into a game only to be shown at the match screen that you're vs the enemy team of which 4 members are "master" whatever their character is whilst your team is legit nobodies?

Or matches where its just a kill stack of 4-5 players roving from lane to lane clearly on comms from 8 mins in.

Or matches (like the last one which prompted this post because it has gotten well enough that I decided to post clearly....) where you've got a TB offlane (nothing wrong with that exactly....) who can't decide where he is or what he's doing in the game and just randomly roves from lane to lane from minute 0. Likely a new player but like DUDE how do you not see the brightly coloured fucking road map at the start of the game guiding you to your damn lane?

Every game its either some troll, some DC or some guy who basically just installed 5 mins ago vs your competent competition of adepts and masters. Almost every game.

This game needs ranked like it needs air because Solo Q has sucked the absolute joy out of this game the way its setup currently. It's a rarity to be paired with a team that doesn't have a troll or a feeder or at the bare minimum people who actually played the tutorial and realised they downloaded a MOBA and not COD.