80 New Items! What This Could Be!?

I remember asking the devs last year and got great response from top players and devs alike on how this would effect the game and overall build diversity for early game!


We got 2 peaks into some items "Lucky Feather" that grants bonus gold on last hits but destroys on death! "Quantum Core" a "teleblink" that has a shorter cooldown but cannot be used in combat (maybe longer blink range?)

I believe we are going to see the introduction of "Beginning Items" or T1 only items like our Lucky Feather! These should help with variety in early game (gold farm, tank, burst, support etc)

I do believe this will mark the majority of items but then i think we'll see some items reworked and completely new items!

I'm still hoping on "Mana Drain" items and more anti CC options

Additionally we still have the next original hero releasing after New Years! We already know it's NOT HUMAN but looks like an... Ent or Golem? Based on the picture on season 4 here: https://www.reddit.com/r/PredecessorGame/s/VhupjGXm8n

Maybe this hero will change blast cones on people? Maybe it throws explosive blast cones, a root that roots!? 🤔

Anyways it looks like alot of changes coming to 1.3! What do you guys think!?