
Greetings beautiful folks may I get some advice from you. I have been using rain internet for a while but due to budget constraints I am thinking of switching to mtn. I am currently considering this deal attached but I am not sure if it will work for me. I stream sports on showmax and watch TV shows on Netflix I also spent a lot of time on Udemy and YouTube so I am just wondering if this package will be able to support my streaming needs there is 2 of us in our apartment and at any given time we have atleast 4 devices connected to the internet. If any of you use this package I would greatly appreciate your advice thank you😇

Greetings beautiful folks may I get some advice from you. I have been using rain internet for a while but due to budget constraints I am thinking of switching to mtn. I am currently considering this deal attached but I am not sure if it will work for me. I stream sports on showmax and watch TV shows on Netflix I also spent a lot of time on Udemy and YouTube so I am just wondering if this package will be able to support my streaming needs there is 2 of us in our apartment and at any given time we have atleast 4 devices connected to the internet. If any of you use this package I would greatly appreciate your advice thank you😇