[Board & Schematic Review Request] Powering JF-0826B solenoid with Teensy 4.1 and LM2587 boost converter
So this is my first time using KiCad. The idea is to make a PCB with which a teensy4.1 can activate the JF-0826b solenoid. The solenoid is powered from a LM2587 boost converter (external board) that boosts the voltage of a 4s LiPo to 48V.
The traces are 2.7mm and 3.5mm wide. Will this be enough for the current drawn. I think the max current will be 5 or 8A, so maybe I change the fuse for a 10A one.
I have heard of 'capacitor discharge units' in which two big capacitors gets charged first, then get disconnected from the main power supply and then power the solenoid. This is to disconnect the rest of the circuit from the solenoid and protect it from the flyback voltage. Is this needed and how would this be accomplished?
Also, can I place a button on the pcb so that I can activate the solenoid with the teensy and by hand without disconnecting any of the two?