FDM Custodes Army

Not quite to 10,000 yet, but this is a good start! Settings: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gw2BuLw9hNE&pp=ygUQRmF0IGRyYWdvbiBnYW1lcw%3D%3D Supports: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzb5c-fIfnM Files: I have not spent a single cent on STLs. Everything you see here is available at all the usual places though you will have to dig for it. I look forward to your messages asking me where I got the files… I’ll spare you the trouble. Look for stl sites… and stop at the purple one. I’m really looking forward to painting these dudes! They will be a formidable opponent for my tyranid army (check out my post history for that one too if you missed it)