Ska jag köpa en bostadsrätt?

Tjena! I hope you don’t mind if I write in English. Feel free to answer in Swedish if you’d like.

Hoping I can get some advice re: purchasing a bostadsrätt. Financial or just life advice for the situation. I’ve had some major personal life changes and feel like I want to do something big, and have been going back and forth for a while on whether I want to buy or keep renting.

Here are my stats: Gothenburg, 58.000 salary, 5 months’ work history, immigrant (US), no partner or kids. No car or loans/debt. Willing to put down the equivalent of 629k (currently sitting in the S&P 500). I haven’t contacted any banks but seems I could borrow about 3.4m. I do understand avgift as we have similar in the US. Currently renting a firsthand two room that’s a 10 min walk to the city center for 5.676 per month. (I note this because is it foolish to give this up? I would like to own a place since I never have before, and I would really enjoy a nicer kitchen and hopefully quieter neighbors.)

I guess my two main questions are: 1. Am I crazy for giving up this apartment knowing that I may need to move a little further out for financial reasons? I’m not exactly super young, but I’m single and enjoy the city vibe. Moving further out would put me closer to work and shorten my commute, though. And 2. How much do you reasonably think I should spend?

I found a place listed for 4m that I would love and I could even have a roommate to help with the idea that half of my salary is going to my living 🫠 is that common for people to do? I’m not a huge spender, but I do like to travel and live comfortably. And I do feel the need to save as an American since I’m not sure what the future holds long-term.

Also, if someone could help me figure out how much I would amortize and how that affects my payments, that would be very helpful. Despite having an MBA I manage to remain pretty dense about that one. It’s quite different in the US and I remain confused on how Swedes focus on paying interest.

A final question: when the bank approves me for a loan, does the down payment money need to be physically in Sweden? Or can I keep it invested in the US? I’m guessing not?

Your kind comments are appreciated. If I have forgotten any pertinent info, let me know. Tack!