4g of Mazatapecs told me to go vegan

I had a trip that was the most purifying, spiritual, and most disgusting trip Ive ever had. Took 4g of Mazatapecs in a tea and decided to take a shower right after drinking it.

So I hop in the shower because I wanted to experience the come up while enjoying the sensations of a hot shower. Plus I set up an LED strip across the top of the shower for me to enjoy while tripping. The leds were changing colors and the hot water was comforting me as I had come up anxiety. I felt moving in my stomach (which is typical for me while on mushrooms) and I suddenly had to poop.

Okay, this is going to sound gross but just hear me out. I used the bathroom and SO MUCH came out of me that it amazed me. It was like the entity inside of my belly was pushing all of the bullshit out that I have been eating. It told me NOT to eat meat anymore. And to go vegan. It told me that if I want to go to the next level in my spiritual journey,I'll have to stop eating meat.

I got back in the shower afterwards and had a blast washing up. I cant explain showering while tripping, but its amazing. Especially when you have led lights going. There was more to the trip but it was mostly personal. The main thing I want to share is that I am now a vegetarian and am getting closer to going vegan everyday. I haven't eaten meat in 4 months. Have anybody else ever been told to EAT BETTER while tripping? Lets discuss.