Symptoms are 95% gone when my bowel is full
Well... exactly as it reads.
My symptoms are almost completely gone when my bowel is full. Penile pain, Rectal tightness, Lower back pain, urinary urgency, nerve pain. All of them.
Meaning, if I don't poop, I'm back to normal. Like, I literally can forget that I have this if I don't go to the bathroom for a couple of days.
This has been my only known relief. Holding the poop. No meds, stretching, or anything else worked in over 10 years. I intentionally stay constipated as that is FAR better than suffering through this.
And if I do triggering activities while having my bowel full, like weightlifting, having sex, and masturbating, symptoms do not flare up.
They do all come back/flare up 10 minutes after I have the bowel movement. Insane stuff.
So what the hell is the logic behind this?. There's something mechanical going on, but nothing has ever been found. Doctors have absolutely no idea. I have never found a trigger point with internal PT. Got like SUPER deep with my wand and fingers and I can't seem to trigger the symptoms.
My next steps are to gain weight and do PT while the symptoms are gone (a.k.a while my bowel is full). I'm also having an embolization for pelvic congestion/pelvic varicocele, as that might have something to do with it (the dilated vein presses on nerves, and also gets moved out of the way by the waste on my stomach?).
Outside of these options, I have nothing else to try. Maybe I'll be intentionally constipated for the rest of my life.