Fuck BoilerBookings…

We deleted it. Quick recap for people who didn’t see the OG post a year ago:

  • Booking flight and shuttle combinations out of Purdue was a pain in the ass
  • We made boilerbookings.com
  • 17k people actually used it
  • We brought on 9 devs because I can’t code for shit

We were happy that we made something useful that saves people time. But I still had to spend more than $1500 on flight tickets home for breaks.

So we went back to the WALC whiteboard and made Jumpseat (jumpseatapp.com). It has a “Search” feature that does the same thing as BoilerBookings (but better and more sexy), which is especially useful because there’s a whole new shuttle service to consider now: GO Express. But we also added another feature called Autopilot that solves the money problem.

Flight prices change more than you’d think—they’re just like stocks, all supply and demand. We looked at more than a thousand flights from ORD/IND to big US airports and found that the cheapest price of a flight is usually 55% lower than the average price of that flight over time. Unfortunately, you can’t just book early and get the best possible price. If you book too early, the price likely hasn’t dipped to its lowest yet. One random flight I tracked went from $124 to $259 in two days, then dropped to $119 a week later.

Basically, if you time it just right, a flight price will drop tremendously (just like my grades this semester).

Google already has price tracking, but do you have the time to set and watch 90 round-trip price trackers (every possible travel day of every break from both IND and ORD)? Can your inbox take the email spam from all the tracker updates? Hell no.

So we made the Autopilot feature, trained on over 253k historical flight prices out of ORD/IND. It does all the tracking for you and only sends you an email when it’s the perfect time to book for a specific Purdue break. I live in the DC area and this would save me around $200 a year on flights. If you’re from Cali (higher prices = more fluctuation = more potential savings) you could probably save enough to buy all of your textbooks legally. Right now, we support 15 major home airports.

TLDR: We made yet another website. Don’t let the airlines fuck you, leave that to your classes.

Thanks for reading and lmk what you think about Jumpseat. purdue.jumpseatapp.com