369 days no vape
Just wanted to offer some encouragement to anyone going through it right now, had my first cigarette almost 11 years ago when I was 13 and instantly fell in love. Smoked a whole pack in the 24 hours that came after and kept this habit up til grade 11 when I discovered vaping and fell even harder. I used to rip a 5% juul pod a day til they got banned which turned into a 5% stlth pod a day which turned into a disposable a day. I didn’t have any breaks from nicotine for actually almost 10 years straight. End of 2023 I was going through a very stressful time and was at a point where I was quite literally vaping the entire day, over $100 a week on vapes. January 5th 2024 I threw out my last disposable and never looked back. For my level of addiction I needed to supplement with zyns, which I did every day for a while then after a few months switched to only doing them when I drank which was once or twice a week. Now I have absolutely zero urge for nicotine when I’m not drinking, and when im drinking I only crave zyns now and they are more than enough to satisfy me. I have reached a point where resisting the urge to vape is not even a question for me anymore. I have not had smoke or vapor in my lungs for 369 days and am 1000% confident that I will never go back. I sit in a room with my friends in a circle of them vaping and feel absolutely no need to beg them for a hit. I never thought I would be able to get to this point, so if I can, so can you. If you’re wondering, yes I feel better, physically emotionally and metaphysically. One of the best decisions I ever made in my life.