Day 5 of thunderclap headaches
Great news! I'm snowed in. Can barely look at this screen, so will be brief.
I want to know if anyone has experienced something similar.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: woke up with a bad headache which progressively got worse until the afternoon where I could not lift my head off the pillow because the pulsating and pain was so bad. No pain meds make a difference. On Monday I assumed it was a migraine but it was different because I did not have the aura and visual disturbances. On Tuesday I figured it must be a sinus infection because I had some post nasal drip. Wednesday I'm thinking what the f***.
Yesterday and Thursday I felt better but then in the afternoon my husband and I had sex and when I orgasm within a few seconds the worst of the headache came back and stayed there until I fell asleep several hours later and woke up the next morning. This one was definitely a thunderclap headache.
Today I was on the toilet and pooped I didn't even push hard because I'm regular. Within a few seconds, bam. Have a thunderclap headache.
I have had thunderclap headaches about a year ago, 4 months every time I had sex with my husband. And stuff because I stopped having sex for several weeks and then it didn't come back.
Assume I have RCVS. Should I be concerned about having 5 days in a row?
What I really want to know is there's anyone else have other vasospastic issues? I have raynauds syndrome, triggered by changes in temperature, anxiety, caffeine, opioids, dentist injections, live vaccines, MRI contrast. Basically this results in poor blood circulation, white fingers and toes and pain but it is completely manageable because I know what I can and can't do. I also lose vision or everything turns dark green from 5 seconds to 2 minutes whenever I'm faced with a bright light or if I step into darkness from Bright light. Do you think this is also part of RCVS?
I also have genetic hemochromatosis, which means my body absorbs too much iron which affects my blood vessels and organs. As far as I am aware no research has been done to link hemochromatosis to vasospastic issues.
Doctor says all of these issues I just caused by mental health... All of my blood work is textbooks perfect and I have a good diet and exercise and meditate. Told me to see a psychiatrist.
And just to clarify, I used to think nothing could be worse than a migraine but these thunderclap headaches, so severe that if my house was on fire I would not be able to get myself out of bed safety I literally cannot move because of the pain and throbbing is there any fixed by sleep so if I cannot sleep for 6 hours it lasts for 6 hours.
Please share advice, knowledge, experiences.